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Pelican Step-by-Step
With Pelican installed, it's time to create the structure of your blog and configure it using the...
Pelican Installation on MacOS
This guide will explain to you Pelican and walk you through setting up a development environment ...
Hugo Step-by-Step
Hugo is a popular static site generator known for its speed and flexibility. This guide will help...
Hugo Installation on MacOS
This guide will walk you through setting up a development environment by installing Go, Dart Sass...
Change the Raspberry Pi Boot Order
Looking to boot your Raspberry Pi from a hard drive? Great news: it’s possible! However, you’ll s...
Docker Anonymous Volumes
To manage my stacks, containers, images, networks, and volumes, I use Portainer Community Edition...
Assign a Static IP Address
Static IP To configure your Raspberry Pi with a static IP address, follow these steps: Open the ...
Paperless-NGX // Backup & Restore
Here is the procedure to backup and restore the Paperless-NGX application and all of its data. Ba...
Bookstack // Changing the Base URL
Sometimes, you need to change the base URL of Bookstack, for example, when you switch from the lo...
Docker Installation on Raspberry Pi 4 / RaspberryPi OS
The Docker installation is pretty straighforward, just follow the official tutorial on